Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Dr. Who

Dr. Who is British popular science-fiction television series. Dr. Who, also known as “the Doctor”, is a mysterious time traveller who explores space along with his friends (First Doctor, Second Doctor, etc.). This television series is known for its imaginative stories, cheap special effects, and its use of electronic music. It is also known as one of the greatest television series in Britain, and has one a BAFTA Award in 2006. The series ran originally from 1963 to 1989. It was later re-launched in 2005.

In the Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time, Christopher Boone mentions The Case of the Cottingly Fairies in which he expresses that he believes the pictures were fake because they looked like fairies in old books. He relates this to aliens coming to Earth and looking like Daleks. Daleks are what Dr. Who represented aliens as. They are metal tank objects that are famous for their high pitched phrase “EX-TER-MIN-ATE”. They had a great effect on what people generalized aliens at the time. The classic episode, “Day of Armageddon”,
A typical Dalek

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